Thursday, October 6, 2011

Landry | Newborn

When I worked at Stonebridge ELC, I had the pleasure of having a sweet boy in my class. We will call him, H. He was about 9-12 months when I worked with him. CRAZY!  He is now playing tball and soccer. AH I'm getting old. ;) Anyway, his awesome mommy contacted me after having a sweet baby girl and wanted me to take her pictures. So, of course I jump on that opportunity. It took two separate shoots & lots of washed blankets later, but we got some good shots! She's my first client since my name change. World, meet Landry!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Okay, so I've decided to make yet another blog. I've been wanting to change the name of my photography business for a while now. The other day I made a blog where I could express myself and named it Boots & Bows. Well, apparently it stuck and I've decided that Boots & Bows Photography would be the name. Now, I have to create a new Facebook fan page and try to get all of my fans to transition, add a new water mark to the chosen photos, new business cards & so on. It's going to be a lot of work, but I think it will be completely worth it. So, be patient with me during this transition! Thanks for being awesome. :) -Lauren